Bestas, bechos e animais. III

Casey Girard, Cebra (
Un bestiario (e 3)
Kenneth Rexroth

Canson City, Mapache (
| Raccoon | | Mapache |
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| The raccoon wears a black mask, And he washes everything Before he eats it. If you Give him a cube of sugar, He'll wash it away and weep. Some of life's sweetest pleasures Can be enjoyed only if You don't mind a little dirt. Here a false face won't help you. | | O mapache leva un anteface negro e lávao todo sempre antes de o comer. Se ti lle dás un terrón de azucre, el vaino lavar e chora. Algúns dos praceres máis doces da vida só poden ser gozados se non che importa un pouco de lixo. Nisto unha cara falsa non che axudará. |
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Adolf Lachman, Espantallo (
| Scarecrow | | Espantallo |
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| A hex was put on you at birth. Society certified your Existence and claimed you as A citizen. Don't let it Scare you. Learn to cope with a world Which is built entirely of fake, And in which, if you find a truth Instead of a lie, it is due To somebody's oversight. These stuffed old rags are harmless, Unless you show them the fear Which they can never warrant, Or reveal the contempt which Of course is all they deserve. If you do, they'll come to life, And do their best to kill you. | | Botáronche un meigallo ao naceres. A sociedade certificou a túa existencia e reclamoute como cidadán. Non deixes que te asusten. Aprende a lle facer fronte a un mundo que está enteiramente construído de falsidade, e no que, se atopas unha verdade no canto dunha mentira, é por causa do desleixo de alguén. Eses farrapos vellos recheos son inofensivos, non sendo que ti lles móstre-lo medo que eles nunca poden permitir, ou lles revéle-lo desprezo que de certo é todo o que merecen. Se tal fas, virán á vida e farán todo o que poidan por te matar. |
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Maria Teresa Crawford Cabral, Afinidade II (
| Seal | | Foca |
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| The seal when in the water Is a slippery customer To catch. But when he makes love He goes on dry land and men Kill him with clubs. To have a happy love life, Control your environment. | | Mentres que está na auga a foca é alguén escorregadizo e malo de apreixar. Pero cando fai o amor vai á terra firme e os homes mátana a mocazos. Para teres unha feliz vida amorosa controla o teu ambiente. |
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Walton Ford, Ornitomancia nº 3 (
| Trout | | Troita |
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| The trout is taken when he Bites an artificial fly. Confronted with fraud, keep your Mouth shut and don't volunteer. | | Píllase a troita cando pica nunha mosca artificial. Perante a fraude, mantén a boca pecha e non a ofrezas. |
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Billy Tackett, I want your brains (
| Uncle Sam | | Tío Sam |
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| Like the unicorn, Uncle Sam is what is called a myth. Plato wrote a book which is An occult conspiracy Of gentlemen pederasts. In it he said ideas Are more nobly real than Reality, and that myths Help keep people in their place. Since you will never become, Under any circumstances, Gentlemen pederasts, you'd Best leave these blood-soaked notions To those who find them useful. | | Tal como o unicornio, o Tío Sam é o que se chama un mito. Platón escribiu un libro que é unha conspiración oculta de cabaleiros pederastas. Nel dicía que as ideas son máis nobremente reais cá realidade, e que os mitos axudan mante-la xente no seu lugar. Pois que ti nunca chegarás a ser, en circunstancia ningunha, un cabaleiro pederasta, farías mellor en deixar estas sanguiñentas reflexións para aqueles que as encontren útiles. |
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Irina Korsokova, Unicornio (
| Unicorn | | Unicornio |
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| The unicorn is supposed To seek a virgin, lay His head in her lap, and weep, Whereupon she steals his horn. Virginity is what is Known as a privation. It is Very difficult to find Any justification for Something that doesn't exist. However, in your young days You might meet a unicorn. There are not many better Things than a unicorn horn. | | Suponse que o unicornio para descubrir unha virxe, pousa a cabeza no seu colo e chora, e entón ela róuballe o corno. A virxindade é o que se coñece como unha privación. É moi difícil achar algunha xustificación para algo que non existe. Aínda así, nos teus días mozos poderías atopar un unicornio. Non hai moitas cousas mellores ca un corno de unicornio. |
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Louis Agassiz Fuertes, Voitre cabeza branca (
| Vulture | | Voitre |
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| St. Thomas Aquinas thought That vultures were lesbians And fertilized by the wind. If you seek the facts of life, Papist intellectuals Can be very misleading. | | San Tomé de Aquino coidaba que os voitres eran lesbianas e as fecundaba o vento. Se búsca-las realidades da vida, os intelectuais católicos poden resultar enganosos. |
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Jonas Jödicke, Carapuchiña Vermella (
| Wolf | | Lobo |
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| Never believe all you hear. Wolves are not as bad as lambs. I've been a wolf all my life, And have two lovely daughters To show for it, while I could Tell you sickening tales of Lambs who got their just deserts. | | Non creas todo o que oes. Os lobos non son peores cós años. Eu funche un lobo toda a vida e teño dúas fillas encantadoras para o demostrar, pero podería contarche historias arrepiantes de años que recibiron o seu merecido. |
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Benjamin Lacombe, Cómeme Bébeme (
| You | | Ti |
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| Let Y stand for you who says, “Very clever, but surely These were not written for your Children?” Let Y stand for yes. | | Pon a “t” de ti, pois dis: «Moi intelixente, pero seguro que isto non foi escrito para os teus nenos?» Pon a “t” de talmente. |
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Mel Ramos, Cebra (
| Zebra | | Cebra |
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| Clothes do not make the zebra. Better wear a convict's stripes Free on the lonely savannah Than the panoplied harness Of a queen on Rotten Row, Or a thief's colors at Ascot. | | O hábito non fai a cebra. Mellor leva-las raias dun convicto ceibo na solitaria sabana que o gornecido arnés dunha raíña no paseo de Rotten Row, ou as cores dun ladrón en Ascot. |
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►Un bestiario (2)
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