9 de decembro de 2015

Kenneth Rexroth

Bestas, bechos e animais. I

Casey Girard  - Aardvark

Casey Girard, Porco formigueiro (blog.caseyg.com)


Un bestiario (1)
Kenneth Rexroth


University of Iowa Museum of Natural History - Aardvark

University of Iowa, Porco formigueiro (iowanaturalhistory.tumblr.com)


Aardvark Porco formigueiro


The man who found the aardvark
Was laughed out of the meeting
Of the Dutch Academy.
Nobody would believe him.
The aardvark had its revenge —
It returned in dreams, in smoke,
In anonymous letters.
One day somebody found out
It was in Hieronymus
Bosch all the time. From there it
Had sneaked off to Africa.

O home que atopou o porco formigueiro
foi motivo de chanza na reunión
da Academia Neerlandesa.
Non o podería crer ninguén.
O porco formigueiro tivo a súa vinganza…
Tornou nos soños, no fume,
nas cartas anónimas.
Un día alguén se decatou
de que todo o tempo estivera
no Bosco. Dende alí
liscara para África.



Andrey Pavlov - Statue of Labour

  Andrey Pavlov, Monumento ao traballo (pavlovants.com)


Ant Formiga


Achilles, Aesop, Mark Twain,
Stalin, went to the ant.
Your odds are one to three if
You decide to ignore it.
The aardvark, he eats them up,
And frightens all the people.

Aquiles, Esopo, Mark Twain,
Stalin, acudiron á formiga.
As túas probabilidades son un a tres
se a decides ignorar.
O porco formigueiro devóraas
e asusta á xente.



Nate Frizzle - Forever Young

Nate Frizzell, Sempre mozos (natefrizzell.com)


Bear Oso


When the world is white with snow,
The bear sleeps in his darkness.
When the people are asleep,
The bear comes with glowing eyes
And steals their bacon and eggs.
He can follow the bees from
Point to point for their honey.
The bees sting but he never
Pays them any attention.
Tame bears in zoos beg for buns.
Two philosophies of life:
Honey is better for you
Than buns; but zoo tricks are cute
And make everybody laugh.

Cando o mundo está branco coa neve
o oso dorme na súa escuridade;
cando a xente está a durmir
o oso chega cos seus ollos brillantes
e róuballe-lo touciño e mailos ovos.
Pode segui-las abellas dun
lado para outro polo seu mel.
As abellas pícanlle, pero el nunca
lles pon atención ningunha.
Nos zoos os osos mansos piden doces.
Dúas filosofías da vida:
Para ti o mel é mellor cós doces;
pero os trucos no zoo son chistosos
e fan rir a todos.





Kawanabe Kyōsai - Comic shunga painting

Kawanabe Kyōsai, Pintura humorística ‘shunga’ (kawanabe-kyosai.org)


Cat Gato


There are too many poems
About cats. Beware of cat
Lovers, they have a hidden
Frustration somewhere and will
Stick you with it if they can.

Hai poemas de máis
sobre gatos. Leva coidado cos amantes
dos gatos, teñen unha oculta
frustración nalgures e
han te picar con ela se poden.



Bill Carman - Just Pull and You’ll Go UP

Bill Carman, Just Pull and You’ll Go UP (billcarman.tumblr.com)


Coney Coello


Coneys are a feeble folk,
But their home is in the rocks.
If you've only got one rock
There are better things to do
With it than make a home of it.

Os coellos son xente feble,
malia a súa casa estar nas rochas.
Se ti tes soamente unha rocha,
hai cousas mellores para faceres
que construír nela unha casa.





Ron English - Cowgirl Milkshake

Ron English, Cowgirl Milkshake (popaganda.com)


Cow Vaca


The contented cow gives milk.
When they ask, “Do you give milk?”
As they surely will, say “No”.

A vaca contenta dá leite.
Cando lle preguntan «Dás leite?»,
como seguramente fai, ela di «Non».





Sammy Slabbinck - Time takes a cigarette

Sammy Slabbinck, Time takes a cigarette (sammyslabbinck.tumblr.com)


Deer Cervo


Deer are gentle and graceful
And they have beautiful eyes.
They hurt no one but themselves,
The males, and only for love.
Men have invented several
Thousand ways of killing them.

Os cervos son tranquilos e elegantes
e teñen os ollos fermosos.
Non feren a ninguén agás a eles mesmos;
os machos, e só por amor.
Os homes inventaron varios
miles de formas de os matar.





Andy Warhol - Endangered Species, Bald Eagle

Andy Warhol, Especies en perigo, Aguia de cabeza branca (warhols.com)


Eagle Aguia


The eagle is very proud.
He stays alone, by himself,
Up in the top of the sky.
Only brave men find his home.
Few telescopes are sharper
Than his eyes. I think it's fine
To be proud, but remember
That all the rest goes with it.
There is another kind of
Eagle on flags and money.

A aguia é moi fachendosa.
FIca soa, por ela mesma,
arriba, no máis alto do ceo.
Só os valentes atopan a súa casa.
Poucos telescopios son máis nítidos
cós seus ollos. Coido que é abondo
para ser fachendosa, pero lembra
todo o resto que vai canda ela.
Hai outra caste de aguias
nas bandeiras e mailo diñeiro.





Eva Dahvmandàsz - Sleepy fox

Eva Dahvmandàsz, Golpe durmindo (dahvmandasz.tumblr.com)


Fox Golpe


The fox is very clever.
In England people dress up
Like a movie star's servants
And chase the fox on horses.
Rather, they let dogs chase him,
And they come along behind.
When the dogs have torn the fox
To pieces they rub his blood
On the faces of young girls.
If you are clever do not
Let anybody know it,
But especially Englishmen.

O golpe é moi listo.
En Inglaterra a xente adobíase
como os criados das estrelas do cine
e persegue o golpe a cabalo;
ou mellor, deixan os cans perseguilo
e van logo detrás deles.
Cando os cans esgazaron o golpe
en anacos, fregan o seu sangue
polas caras das rapazas.
Se ti es listo, non
deixes que o saiba ninguén,
pero mormente os ingleses.





Martin Wittfooth - The Devil's Playground

Martin Wittfooth, O patio de xogos do demo (martinwittfooth.com)


Goat Cabra



G stands for goat and also
For genius. If you are one,
Learn from the other, for he
Combines domestication,
Venery, and independence.

O “c” é de cabra e tamén
de cerebro. Se ti tes un,
aprende da outra, pois que
combina domesticación,
montaría e independencia.





Marvin Hayes - Non-Conformer

Marvin Hayes, Inconformista (plus.google.com)


Herring Arenque


The herring is prolific.
There are plenty of herrings.
Some herrings are eaten raw.
Many are dried and pickled.
But most are used for manure.
See if you can apply this
To your history lessons.

O arenque é prolífico.
Hai gran cantidade de arenques.
Algúns cómense crus,
outros sécanse e consérvanse salgados,
pero a meirande parte úsase para fertilizante.
Mira se podes aplicar isto
nas túas leccións de historia.






►Un bestiario (2)
►Un bestiario (e 3)


Kenneth Rexroth ~ wikipedia

