Fluxo e refluxo

Tosa Mitsunobu, Unha lancha á deriva (Ukifune)
Ilustración ao capítulo 51 do "Conto de Genji" (Genji Monogatari), 1509-1510
Lancha á deriva
| Drifting Boat | | |
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| During the banquet what poem can I say for him as the wine cup comes floating by on the winding waters? I am not a stone
in the garden, nor an oak, nor a stalwart line of night-mooring rocks Not a ship held at anchor nor the treasure sought at sea
I am what it means to wander—Ukifune a boat long adrift in the sound of dark water Outside the house at Uji
where I have been put I hear rain swept hills calling and the cry of deer the rush of water falling the slow tolling of a bell
Who is it that hears? So smoothly, so smoothly glides my boat, that were I to merge with the winter sea would there be any ripple?
Snow falls on cedars Snow melts from the bough also Who is it that hears the torrential ebb and flow in the heart? In wine? In snow? | | Durante o banquete, que poema podo eu dicir para el mentres a copa de viño vén aboiando polas reviradas augas? Eu non son unha pedra
no xardín, nin un carballo, nin unha rexa liña de rochas de amarre nocturno. Nin un barco asegurado na áncora nin o tesouro buscado no mar.
Eu son o que significa o ukifune errabundo, unha lancha hai tempo á deriva nos sons da auga escura. Fóra da casa en Uji,
onde me colocaran, ouzo o azoute da choiva chamando os outeiros e mailo urro do cervo, o ímpeto da auga caendo, o zorro badalear dunha campá.
Quen é que escoita? Tan lene, tan lenemente esvara a miña lancha que, se eu afondar no mar invernizo, faría onda ningunha?
A neve cae nos cedros. A neve derrétese da póla tamén. Quen é que escoita o torrencial fluxo e refluxo no corazón? No viño? Na neve? |
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